FAQS on WISHfest
What is WISHfest?
WISHfest is an annual event organized by the UConn Waterbury campus and stands for Waterbury, Innovation, Sustainability, and Health. It is a partnership with the City of Waterbury to advance the educational goals of UConn Waterbury, enhance the K-12 college to workforce pipeline, and promote partnerships among the greater Waterbury communities. It is centered around programs that promote innovation, sustainability, and health and welcomes UConn Waterbury, Waterbury Public Schools, area businesses, industries, and the community.
When and where is WISHfest taking place?
WISHfest will be held on Friday, March 28, 2025, at the Palace Theater and UConn Waterbury. The event starts at 9AM and ends at 4PM. Make sure to check out our event program for more details. https://wishfest.waterbury.uconn.edu/
Who are the guest speakers this year?
Our guest speaker this year is Mr. Jack Horner. Mr. Horner is a prominent American paleontologist known for his groundbreaking work with dinosaur fossils and has served as a scientific advisor for the Jurassic Park movies.
How do I register as an attendee?
Register here. https://wishfest.waterbury.uconn.edu/wishfest-registration/
How much does it cost to attend?
The event is free, but registration is required. You can register at https://wishfest.waterbury.uconn.edu/wishfest-registration/
What can I expect at WISHfest?
The day will start at the Palace theater with a keynote speaker and panel discussion followed by hands-on exhibits at UConn Waterbury. You might dissect sheep brain, try out virtual reality, or learn about our 4-year programs.
Will food/drinks be available at the event?
Festive food will be served at the Waterbury campus.
The weather forecast doesn't look good - will you be cancelling the event?
Weather and other related cancellation notification will comply with the City, University and Waterbury Public School rules and will be posted by 7am the morning of the event on our website.
Where should I park?
It is best to park at the Scovill Street Garage. It is located at 33 Scovill Street, Waterbury, CT 06706. If Scovill Street Garage is full, please utilize Buckingham Garage, located at 210 Bank St, Waterbury, CT 06702.
Is the event accessible?
Yes, if you have specific accessibility needs, please contact us in advance at wishfest@uconn.edu.
How do I contact WISHfest organizers?
You can reach us by email at wishfest@uconn.edu.
Help! It is the day of the event, and I have a question…
No problem, call us at 203.236.9800